Now the fun begins

July 15, 2009

The panels all had to be beveled so when the hull comes together it fits tight.  I had a hard time with the angles but it started to make more sense when the the panels were held in place.  The plywood panels come with tiny pre-drilled holes so that you can run a small copper wire through the holes to stitch the hull together.  Dave helped me with this part – it required more than one set of hands.  He helped trim the sheer clamp at the bow and the stern so that everything comes together.  The Japanese pull saw came in handy for this part. 

Once it was stitched together – it really looked like a boat.

The bottom is all stitched together

The bottom is all stitched together

Lots of little copper wires to poke you with.

Lots of little copper wires to poke you with.

One Response to “Now the fun begins”

  1. moirajeanne said

    WOW!! What a work of Fine Craftswomanship!!!

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